I was chatting with my girlfriends the other night and decided to tell them at the age of 46 I had started Physie. Their replies varied,
...Are you crazy? Aren’t you too old? What on earth is Fizzy?
(This is the first fizzy that comes to people’s mind, which confuses them even more!). My personal favourite was, “Is it some sort of cult?”.

I had to think really carefully about how to explain Physie to someone - as it is very unique and strange at the same time. One of my friends recalled a school friend who used to do it, she remembered the big boof hair, lycra leotards, orange tan and that it involved marching around in a square. That was pretty accurate!

Basically anyone (female) aged 3-100yrs can do it (and let me tell you there’s 60-year-olds out there that put me to shame). You go to a group class and learn five routines, each involves a different style of dance like, ballet, hip hop, jazz and contemporary.
Think Oz Style Aerobics but dance style!
We then don the lycra, a splash of red lippy and compete individually or as a team in hopes of becoming a Physie champion.
But what about the marching? Oh yes, the marching. Well at the beginning of our competition we march around in a large square a couple of times to music, it’s like you’re advertising how good your Physie is going to be.

Apparently, marching involves taking 128 steps (of pure torture), which I can tell you - leaves you out of breath and wondering what on earth you have got yourself into. Just getting through those five routines without falling over, is a cause for celebration.

On a serious note, Physie is definitely about,
empowering women, friendship, building strength and fitness and enjoying lots of laughs.

It has come a long way in the last few years, but you will still see the occasional boof hairstyle, plenty of fake tan and that proud red lipped smile beaming from ear to ear.
Till next time…..March On Ladies!